Kauai’s economy…
On a daily basis, i find myself in deep dialogue with various visitors on Kauai. I am open and honest with the many who really care about my island and all the hardships occurring. This is a simple paragraph to send out to those who love my island as much as i do.
Post pandemic, our struggles and anxieties have increased as with many other visitor destinations. We are in the midst of a desperate worker shortage that is compounding our vacationers experiences.
Please understand…Aloha is alive and true! The hawaiian essences of leading with selfless generosity “kahiau” and being of gracious service “kokua” flow outwards from our bone marrow. We still live our lifestyle of assisting all who choose to visit. Prices for housing have forced hundreds of ohana to move from their heritage birth place. Many others struggle to keep a roof over their heads working three jobs. I could go on and recite details and intangibles leading to our difficult time. Instead, I’m hoping to just relay my appreciation to all who come to Kauai and all of Hawaii to savor the unique wonders and beauty of our islands!!!
keep breathing